Monday, 22 December 2014



They were friends, living together in a village. Orobo was fat, chubby and healthy looking. He had a bounce in his steps and was quite brilliant. He was envied by all because of his ruddy cheeks and eloquent speech.

Lepa, on the other hand was thin and did not look healthy. He walked with a wobbly gait and looked like he would crumble the next minute. He also stammered to utter his badly spoken language. He was usually given the pity-eye whenever he shambled past.

One day, they both embarked on a journey through a footpath in the forest. Lepa struggled to catch up with Orobo. He huffed and puffed in short, fatigued breaths, while Orobo increased his pace, sometimes to show off, sometimes to mock Lepa.
And it happened that when Lepa caught up with Orobo and tried to plead with him for a little consideration, Lepa's unlettered, oxygen-deprived stuttering would be drowned in the no-nonsense oratorical shouting down of Orobo. No sooner had this lopesided conversation taken place, Orobo would once again quicken his steps and Lepa would painfully hurry behind.

It seemed one of them would not complete the journey. Do you know who it would be?

Suddenly a wind storm arose and the clouds grumbled and darkened. It was about to rain. The two friends had to look for cover. There was, in the distance, the protruding mouth of a cave. The wind grew violent and whipped through the forest in ferocious anger.

Both friends ran as fast as they could to get to the cave. Orobo got there many minutes before Lepa, who was almost dying of exhaustion on his arrival.

The rains came down thunderously and the wind was still blowing furiously.

Opposite the mouth the cave where the two friends took refuge, stood two trees. One tree was very thick trunked and had healthy green leaves shooting out from its sturdy branches. The other tree was very slender and dry, with no leaves upon its cracked branches.

The friends waited for the storm to calm and the rains to subside, that they may carry on with their journey.

It first came as a loud cracking sound, followed by a swishing through the wet air. The two friends watched in utter disbelief as the huge healthy tree unable to stand the force of the wind any longer came crashing down in a mighty fall. The dry, slender tree stood unperturbed and seemingly untouched.

Instantly, the storm retired into the heavens and the rain shed its last drop. Serenity quickly returned to the forest.

Stepping out of their temporary shelter in the mouth of the cave, Orobo's jaw dropped in disbelief and a certain befuddlement appeared in his eyes while Lepa brushed off the dust from his face and smiled expressionlessly.

The drama that Nature had played out before them had taught them a great lesson.

"Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he falls". -1Corinthians 10:12



No sooner had Orobo and Lepa stepped out of the cave than they saw a huge rock rolling down the hill, resultant to the shift in the earth after the heavy rain and thunder. Instinctively the two men dashed back into the cave that had given them shelter and protected them from the effects of weeping and coughing nature. The more they pushed back into the cave the more they saw the boulder roll towards the mouth of the cave. Just as Orobo was thinking of apologising to Lepa for having been rude and Lepa on his part was wondering how he could add to his weight, a flash of lightning blinded their eyes for an instant. The rock came to a halt and got jammed at the mouth of the cave as if it were an imitation of the stone that was rolled on the Master's borrowed grave to halt his threatened resurrection from being witnessed by the public.However the fallen trunk of the huge tree blocked the rock from completely sealing off the mouth of the cave, leaving a small gap that barely fitted two rabbits in tandem. Lepa and Orobo looked at each other in silence as they had no licence to negotiate with nature. When calm came over the land and the birds began to sing again outside, signaling that all was well and those in hiding could come out of their hiding and enjoy the fresh air that usually inherited the space left by the rains, Orobo went to the tiny opening and tried to get out. While his head barely got out of the gap, his massive shoulders got jammed such that he could not get out. Much as he tried to push, the rock did not budge an inch or centimetre. After Orobo h ad convinced himself that he could not fit in that crack, he sad back, dejected. Lepa got up and dragged himself to the tiny opening where he wriggled and wiggled and eventually got out of the cave. Granted he had bruises all over his body and was bleeding slowly, seeing as his tender and thin body was not made for bleeding profusely, he was nevertheless outside the now deadly cave. Orobo's eyes dropped and his tears began to flow as he realised that his obesity had become the thing between him dying in the cave or gaining freedom on the other side of the fallen rock. It was after months of searching that the remains of Orobo were positively identified by the local headman who had been at the circumcision ceremony where Orobo had been marked into manhood before his days of plenty saw him leave the ranks of the bony boys.


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I have no medals to offer you but I hope this little thoughts of mine beautify your soul with a bouquet of sweet smelling appreciation.

Every passing moment, your sweetheart teeters on the fragile borders of widowhood as you surrender your breasts to the darts of the Book Haters (BH).

That we may sleep in our beds, you sleep on mats of blood. Even as some of your khaki(ed) brethren eat clandestine puddings seasoned with the thyme of betrayal and served in silverware beaten from 30 shekels of Judas' currency, you boldly tear open the curtains masking death gamble.

And what happens to khakied and agbadaed Judases in high and low places? They shall hang down from nooses of retribution and their carrions splatter upon the rocky floors of poetic justice. I curse not, I judge not but I BELIEVE!

I send my prayers to you through my Father: that He imbues your sling and stone to bring down this diabolic goliaths face down. That through your courage ladened shell of determination and our faith burning in the furnace of prayer, WE SHALL OVERCOME! Amen.

Thank you true soldier. God be with you in battle.


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**** SPIDERMEN: Proverbs 1:17 ****

They spin and heat up greyhaired promises in their microwave of deceit, hoping to catch you and I in their web of lies

They throw their nets in the paths of our hunger and hope, garnishing their traps with baits of stomachstructure.

Like overgrown infantile demons, they desire to suck us dry from the tips of our inked thumbs.

Have you looked closely at their smiles, grinning out from screens and street sheets? ... Do you not see the blood of our fathers dripping from their fangs?

Are we going to be enrobed in their ankara again, dancing feverishly to the melody of packaged rice and stockfish?

A wise king was said, "surely in vain is the net spread before the bird", would they ensnare us again?

Would we be deceived again with lies that are thick as thieves and deceptions as obvious as the moon on a clear night?

Spiders do not love flies....these Spidermen are not superheroes.

Let's vote wisely in 2015.

Happy Sunday peeps.

Written by- KUNLE OMOPE.

Photo by-Udeme Sylvester Inyang (Greenmagic)



So your friend is dead and buried!

You head to the shopping mall and find you the most fragrant rose money can buy.

You adorn yourself in eerily dark sunglasses and black grieving garment. Rose in hand, you go to visit the grave.

Your friend's cold ears hears your approaching footsteps and weeps in his home six feet below.

Because, when he daily courted the breath of life, he cared for and about you.

He held your hand even when his fingers hurt from the weariness of the day's hustle.

He gave you treasures of affection out of a pocket of lack.

You kept him awake with your midnight gibberish. He lent an ear to you, that you may unburden your deepest troubles.

His heart pains came out as laughter just to make you smile.

In 365 days, His phone had 236 of your received calls while your phone had 65 of his missed calls.

You forgot his birthday, he forgave, didn't pick his calls, he forgave, didn't visit him in the hospital, yet, he forgave.

From his dying bed, he reached out to you, but you were too busy.

Now you bring a rose soaked in crocodile tears to his grave?

Do you not know?


Note: Call your true friends today. Tell them you love them. Say thank you.

Bring them roses, while their noses still pulsate with the breath of life.


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Once, I was told the story of a certain lynch finisher that lived somewhere on Lagos Island. Whenever a common thief was apprehended, the mob, after beating, clubbing and cudgelling the alleged criminal, would usually march the bloodied man to this 'self styled executioner's house.
To the admiration of the bloodthirsty mob, he would forcefully administer a beverage of cement dissolved in water on the accused, afterwhich, mob and executioner would let the poisoned man go, and watch him gleefully as he staggers away to a horrible death.

After many years and many poisoned thieves, the People's Exectioner lost all his friends. Even his wife and children fled from him. No one wanted to be associated with the man with an ocean of blood dripping not just from his hands but from his pale soul.

He died a depressed and lonely man!

Today, lynchings and extra judicial killings happen everyday in every corner on every street. Stale news? Okay.

Unfortunately, many smartphone wielding persons with fevered spirits, take their time to make movies out of the butchery of their fellow man.

Scenes that would make our mothers grab their breasts, wrap and unwrap their wrappers and wail their eyes out are now breaking news photocapture excitement for many young persons.

I am not a psychologist, but could it be that watching too many horror movies and playing video games with blood and gut themes, be responsible for the dark numbness of the emotions of the god resident in every human's bosom?

A man or/woman is being stripped naked and gradually torn to shreds before eventual incineration and some youth who cannot spare a thread of mercy, whip out their phones in a flourish to capture the painful last moments of an unfortunate homo sapien.

The execution of the ALUU 4 and many more still live and breathe in the cell phones of the Jungle Justus and Justina living amongst us. They still watch it for entertainment! Sick!!!!

Arent their hands bloodied too? Is it not the same hands that holds the phone that is clasped in prayer on Sunday at the Cathedral and pulls on the Tesibau in the Mosque on Friday?

How do Jungle Justuses and Justinas sleep at night?

I once unknowingly peeped at one of such videos and had to literally beg God to help me expunge the scenes from my head after months of torture.

If you would desist and delete from recording and having such videos in your phones respectively, then you might just save yourself from some form of geriatric depression somewhere down the slope of your future.

I do not command but advise you as a friend because there will be Judgement for Jungle Justices, Justuses and Justinas either here or the hereafter or both.

Good morning.


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Do you know that you are the most perfect of God's creation?
If you trained hard enough, you can run at the speed of 40km/ph, and throw a ball at more than 160km/ph.
You were born with 305 bones but you now have 206 in your body, and they are operated by 650 muscles and over 100 joints.
You have 25trillion messengers that carry blood around your body and they are changed every 4months and 25billion soldiers to fight diseases, working for only 12hrs before their dismissal and another fresh recruitment.
During brisk exercise, your heart pumps 30pints of blood, which will travel 60,000 miles around your body in just 60seconds.
If the capillaries in your body are spread out to make a carpet, it would cover 8plots of land.
You have enough phosphorus in you body to make 2,200 matchsticks. You have about 5million hairs which are replaced every 3years.
If you are blindfolded, 9,000 tastebuds help you identify the taste of a tasty meal.
4million skin receptors faster than UPS Courier, carry messages from body to brain, vice versa.
In the course of your lifetime, you would breathe more than 500million times, eat 5 trailer loads of food and drink 11,000 gallons of water. If you live in the city, you will walk a distance of Lagos to New York and if you live in the village, a distance of Lagos to London twice, to and fro.
You have the ability to understand and speak 7 languages under the right conditions. You can also memorise the Bible, if you are desperate enough.
You can see the past, memory. You can see the future, imagination. You can peep into heaven in your dream. You can have a conversation with the Creator of the universe.
If you fall on your kness in reverence and supplication, you can move mountains. You can speak a language you never learned when you are on the same page with the Spirit of God.
As small as you look, God can live inside you. Without the sexual involvement of your parents, you can be born again.
Without a dime in your bank account, you can own a mansion in God's estate called Heaven.
You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body.
It is possible for your spirit to live right inside the heart of God, while your body lives in Nigeria.
And finally, you are so important that God became a man to die for you and make you His child and friend.
This is just the little I know about you!
God bless you for reading this to the end. Amen.


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I am sure many of us cannot answer the above question correctly, yet we want our names to be known by the great grandchildren of our great grand children! How unneccessarily desperate we are in our beliefs and strivings.

A man impregnates his wife 8 times in search of a male child. The 9th pregnancy finally produces a boy. Now he can't provide for his daughters and long awaited son. Foolishness!

Another man sends the wife of his youth packing because she 'refuses' to give him a son and heir, ignorant of the well established fact of the man's chromosomal responsibility in determining the sex of his child. He proceeds to jump from woman to woman until he hears a baby boy's cry. At the end of the day, he begs to feed his family! Stupidity!

The reason men like these give is that they want someone who would carry on their names.
Now, I ask, what for goodness sakes gives any man the delusional assurance that his name would live for many years after he is dead?! Have men not changed their names! Surname inclusive?
Or when has it become a crime anywhere under heaven for a man to change his name?
Well if you have been entertaining this thought, I am sorry to burst your bubble.

The bible says in the book of Ecclesiastes 7:14 "In the day of prosperity, be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider; God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him".

So, it is abundantly clear that God has fashioned His World in such a way, that you cannot determine the lifespan of your name!
So, my brother, whatever combination of children that God blesses you with, be thankful and content, and give them the best.
Good children, whether male or female can take care of their parents in old age.
Stop cultivating unwarranted troubles for unborn generations by trying to immortalise your name at the injury and expense of your family's happiness.

Only God reserves the power to extend the lifespan of your name, and that is for His own purpose alone!
Daughters like sons are capable of loving and caring for their parents. Daughters are even better in some instances.
Your daughter can make you proud, when you love and train her well. Do not jeopardise her future because you are hell bent on immortalising a name which you are not even certain of its lifespan.

Let your work and positive contribution carry your name, not the son who may not like the way it sounds, and swiftly change it as soon as you pass away.

Enough said, I would like to catch some sleep now. Think about it. Comment if you please. God bless you.




A great Scottish fraudster once operated in the the 1920's. His name was Arthur Furguson. This skilled salesman sold NELSON'S COLUMN, a gigantic, solid granite British national monument with 4 bronze lions at the base to a gullible American for £6,000. His scam succeeded because he cooked up a preposterous story of the the British government being in debt hence the sale of one of their most cherished historical monuments.

With Furguson's success, he went on to do further exploits. He sold the BIG BEN, the 3rd tallest free standing clock tower in the world located at the palace of Westminster, London, to another gullible buyer for £1,000.

Wait for this! This brilliant fraudster sold BUCKINGHAM PALACE to another fool and got £2,000 down payment.
Arthur Furguson now sensing that gullible people abound everywhere, travelled to Washington D.C in 1925 and leased the WHITE HOUSE to a cattle rancher for 99years, getting a payment of $100,000.

Ferguson was finally arrested after sealing a deal to sell the STATUE OF LIBERTY to an Australian for another $100,000.

Similarly, Victor Lustig, a ministry official convinced 5 French businessmen to buy scraps of the soon-to-be demolished EIFFEL TOWER. After payment and the discovery of the hoax, the buyers were too embarassed to disclose the amount they paid.

For any sensible person, the scam mails from today's scam artists and Yahooboys PLC, are at most very comical and fraught with glaring holes requiring casual scrutiny and amateurish investigation to foil them. But men would always be deceived by the lusts of their hearts. Very pathetic!

The bible says in the book of Proverbs 14:15 "Only a simpleton believes what he is told. A prudent man checks to see where he is going"(Living Bible).
Unfortunately there are many Arthur Furgusons and Victor Lustigs behind the pulpits today. In their well tailored, resplendent garments and sugary voices, they fleece our brothers and sisters. These scamsters in disguise take advantage of the hidden lusts in their victim's heart to trap them.

I judge no one please! I only ask you to look into this scripture with me: 2nd Timothy 2:15 "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth".
The Bible is the only book where the Author sits beside the reader, and is willing to reveal truth to him, if only the reader would ask Him.

Today is another opportunity to PERSONALLY dig deep into God's Word under the guidiance and tutelage of the Holy Spirit.

Free yourself from the twin embarrassment of Lust and Stupidity, before someone sells Aso Rock to you! Study your bible today. Have a blessed weekend.




Brothers and sisters, permit me to once again give my two cents worth opinion on a troublesome issue which is threatening to sink its fangs into the moral and spiritual fabric of our nation, Nigeria.

When we read or hear the names Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, the common pictures painted by our minds are of very wise, mighty and intellectual thinkers. Very true.

Undoubtedly, these men contributed in no mean measures to many fields of human endeavours e.g Mathematics, Poetry, Logic, Physics, Politics etc.

However, some of their ideas which seemed great in their days have created foundations and engendered platforms upon which mankind is being bedevilled and destroyed today!

It is important to note that these men lived before the coming of the Lord Jesus.

Socrates tutored Plato, and Plato tutored Aristotle. Socrates practised PEDERASTY(sexual relationship between an adult male and a young beardless boy). Plato in one of his writings described how his teacher Socrates was an unashamed PEDERAST(one who practises pederasty). Plato quotes Socrates as saying this of his young adolescent boy lover, "my love for this fellow Agathon, who is a beautiful boy is not an insignificant affair". Another quote by Socrates as written by Plato, " a man cannot have a less desirable protector or companion than the man who is love with him".

Plato openly praise homosexuality and abortion. He wrote this about abortion, referring to humans like animals, "we allow them to range(have sex)at will, accompanying this permission with strict orders preventing any embryo which may come into being from seeing the light, and if any force its way to birth, the parents must understand that the offspring from such a union cannot be maitained and arrange accordingly.

Simply put, to relieve sexual tension, either you engage in homosexuality, abortion or kill any baby resulting from a heterogenous liason, unless approved by the state.

Aristotle like his predecessors had this to say, "There must be a law that no imperfect or maimed child shall be brought up. And to avoid an excess in populations, some children must be exposed on the trash to die".

We are now seeing in our days, Presidents and Prime Ministers and many great minds agreeing with the lie from HELL, that homosexuals are born the way they are, thereby making it natural.

Brothers and sisters, before Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the West and all Gay Rights Activists were born, God described homosexuality as a GRIEVIOUS SIN and a NUISANCE TO HEAVEN! Genesis 18:20 "Then the Lord said, Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave...".

We must not be deceived by these great errors. GREAT MINDS ALSO PRODUCE GREAT ERRORS.
1Corinthians 1:20,25 "Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has God not made foolish the wisdom of this world?...........(25)- For the wisdom of God is wiser than man, and the weakness of God is stronger than men".

HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT INBORN, it is environmentally influenced, inflicted by psychlogical injuries and demonic afflictions.

Homosexuals have being cured and delivered. It can be corrected.

Jesus upheld marriage between one man and one woman, not homosexuality! The bible honours men as men and women as women, NO ROLE TWISTING!

God is not HOMOPHOBIC, God is SINPHOBIC . He hates no one, but He hates sin, homosexuality inclusive!

If you are reading this and you have become gay either by circumstances you know or are ignorant about, JESUS loves you and He is willing and able to deliver you. COME TO JESUS TODAY, and watch your life transform for the BEST!


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On the 16th of January 2014, a new Boston University study led by post doctoral fellow, Natalie Emmons was published via the online edition of Child Development, on

The research which was carried out on 283 children from two distinct cultures in Ecuador aimed at examining children's ideas about "prelife", the time before conception, suggests that our bias toward immortality is part of human intuition i.e the natural or inborn ability of being able to know, through feelings, rather than through facts.

Helen Keller, an author, lecturer and social activist, who lived in the 19th and 20th centuries, became blind and deaf at the age of 19months as a result of an acute congestion of the stomach and brain.

When she became a young woman, she was taken to a preacher, Phillips Brooks for religious instruction, by her blind teacher, intrepreter and companion, Ann Sullivan.

Phillip Brooks told Helen Keller about Jesus through Ann Sullivan, who wrote the message with her finger on Helen's palm. As the new information sank in, Helen's face brightened up and she quickly communicated a response back to the preacher by also writing on Sullivan's palm. This is what Helen Keller wrote:

"I knew all the time , there must be One like that but i didn't know His name".

A woman who lived most of her life in total darkness and utter silence must have had the knowledge of the Messiah as an Unseen Software in her mind.

Brothers and sisters, we all have this Unseen Software.

The scientists in Boston are only searching for answers that have been provided in the Scriptures.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says "He has made everything beautiful in its time; also He has put eternity into man's mind".

Dear reader, why don't we settle the afterlife controversy raging in our hearts by seeking the Unseen Software that had being living in our minds before we were born.

Jesus is the Ruler of that Eternity planted in our minds by God. He is the King in the city of Immortality which the Boston University scientists suggests that our intuition points us to.

His Hands are outstretched toward us. Let us accept His embrace today.

God bless you.


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He secretly knows the Truth and acknowledges His Presence on dark lonely nights.

He speaks to Him softly when deep in thought but finds it 'uncool' to talk glowingly about Him when in the midst of 'intellectuals'.

Eventhough a light still burns within the recesses of his soul, he hides this light under a bushel- Matthew 5:15.

He is the most entertaining performer among God mockers, in debates held in Cybercity, yet, a war rages inside him, gnawing at his fragile peace.

God must obey men like Darwin, because they make so much 'sense'. Why cant man just be a descendant of apes? He asks with an air of overflowing intelligence.

Political correctness is a lifestyle which must not be compromised even if it offends anyone-God inclusive!

He makes a point and beats his chest proudly. He is swallowed up by the sheer genius of his invention of new buzz words: religitards for believers; and skydaddy for the Creator of the universe.

He is puffed up by the library in his head and says common sense is for common fools. Calling himself 'selfmade', he enjoys gifts but denies the existence of a Giver- James 1:17.

He considers it uncouth and indeed unfashionable to be born again. Still, in his closet, his spirit is troubled.

Hearing himself argue, he foresees himself giving an eloquent speech before God on why the Bible is a book of myths, fables and allegories.

He says he is responsible to man alone and not God. Why should God expect returns from investments He did not make, he opines?- Luke 12:48.

God's Decrees are questioned in the court of human judgements using evidences guaged from the temperature of a dying people. A people that can not stop earthquakes: cannot bring an end to wars; cannot justify the need for nuclear weapons; and cannot squeeze out all the benefits from a blade of grass!

Brothers and sisters, I speak of an unusual hypocrite. Are you one? Have you tasted the sweetness of God's Love and yet talk about Him with a vile tongue of gall?

Do you deny Him, so as to appear socially acceptable in the circle of 'high minds'? Does your denial have consequences? - Matthew 10:33.

If you come back to Him and acknowledge Him as Lord of your life, would you be mocked, insulted and spat on more than Jesus on the way to Golgotha?

Do think about these things. God bless you.

Share if you please.



******* MAN P(L)AYS GOD **********
Once upon a time the peoples of the earth grew too prosperous. 
They became fed up of and puffed up at Divine Provision and Generosity, so much so that they sent God a mail, offering to pay Him whatever they owed. In their confidence, they asked for an energy bill to cover electricity, water and gas resources.

And so, a Utility bill descended from the clouds.
So they wrote cheques, and then, all the money in all bank vaults worldwide went up in flames of payment.
Next they offered shiploads of bullion- gold, diamond and platinum, and the winds swept all the stones and metals like a flurry of petals given wings by the night breeze.

Panic set in, but they wouldn’t dare lose and God must be paid!

Garage doors flung open, Limos, Bentleys, Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Rolls-Royces sped out onto expressways in the air. And then, they were all gone. A million machines rode into the heavens.

Suddenly, the seas swelled, energised by an expedient errand, entered and eroded estates and edifices, seizing skyscrapers, carting away condominiums.
Almighty God was getting paid!

The women’s hearts broke as their ‘best friends’ jilted them, unclasping their lustrous arms from their fair necks – and the men suddenly had lighter wrists as vanishing Rolexes caused an emaciation of their chunky egos.

Then, it dawned on them, man couldn’t pay God.

The arrogant assembly lifted frightened fallen faces skyward, staring at the undeflated Bill………but God was still getting paid.

They back stepped in tears, as all leather and cotton went back to the womb from where they came- the words of God.

….then the little one appeared with a big smile. She daintily stepped close to the billowing Bill, then held the frills of her little dress, curtsying, she uttered in a voice a little above a whisper “thank you LORD””.

The Utility bill rolled back into the skies. The grateful heart in the words of a little girl paid God.

Psalm 50:12-14 –If I were hungry, I would not tell you: for the world is mine, and the fullness thereof. Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? Offer unto God thanksgiving: and pay thy vows unto the most high.


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*********** GAS YAWA, YAWA GAS ***********
The bus shambled along the heavy traffic on a bright sunny day. The passengers were all lost in the worlds in their hands- some ipaded their faces while others had their eyes salivating over black berries…… except for him.

He sat at the back of the bus, head thrown back, a small pouched belly protruding, nostrils flaring, spittle at boiling point bubbling at the corners of his mouth, throat rending a growling ballad- he was deep in sleep.

A trailer zoomed past the bus, dragging a tsunami of black cloud in its wake, causing the bus to be eclipsed for a few seconds. At the T-junction ahead, a street side bakery is causing stomach quakes with the smell of baking bread. The snout of the huge generator spouted blue carbon into the air, which filtered into the bus.

Their only reactions to the pollution were waves of handkerchiefs to ward off gaseous cancers in foetal formations- still they fed from their screens.
Finally, the bus squeezed out of the traffic build up and picked up speed.

Just then , the sleeping man roused half-eyed from his sweltering slumber, grunted, lifted a buttock, released it and went back to sleep.

Forty five seconds later, the handkerchiefs could not wave it away, androids and blackberries lost hypnotic control of their hosts and curses rained on an innocent anus.

Question: Why do we indulge the big criminals and curse the little ones?


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*********** RUTH **********

He sat all crumpled up in his brand new, one week old wheel chair. His gnarled right hand quivered upon the metal armrest. His skin had turned all burnished and leathery in just 7 days of suffering a stroke. A hesitant tear stood in one eye defying gravity and the beckoning by a twitching and slightly twisted mouth.

He was a hairy man, and his ageing stubble glistened as the sun bathed his sweaty jaws.

Ruth approached him, blade in one hand and a tube of shaving foam in the other.

For the first time in their 30yr marriage, she was unafraid of making a mistake while shaving her master....her husband...her god!

There was no hand to slap her senseless or punch her in the belly, were she to apply too much foam or cut him slightly.

She inhaled the air of freedom and felt the romantic fingers of the sun on her face.

As gently as ever, she applied the cream all over his jaw, tilting his face upward to reveal an Adam's apple that bobbed from fear and sickness.

He squinted a glare from an invalid eye and caught the face of his darling Ruth. She tried to smile but a broken nose from his fist in drunken rage turned her face into a grotesque mask. Her lips parted and broken teeth from his kicks peeped out of scarred lips.

The blade sighed in a swish as she ran it over her palm. He closed his eyes and resigned his fate to the hand that held the blade.....the hand that held life and death...fuelled by vengeance.

The razor travelled over his throat severally. He couldn't change a thing now. He couldn't show her he loved her. His muscles were too diseased to touch her tenderly. He wanted to say sorry for all the years of abuse, but the neurological accident in his brain had paralysed his tongue. He couldn't stop her now.

It was too late. She was omnipotent. His slave had become his god.

Tears rolled from his eyes to the sides of his head. A teardrop hung from his ear lobe and another tear from above dropped like a paratrooper and crashed into it. She was weeping too.

She loved her broken heartless husband.


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******** BOJO'S STORY ********

.......the year 2025.

I am the head of my clan. I have three wives. Hassana is making dinner, she is 25 years old. Lola is cleaning my room, she is 40, I rescued her from widowhood. Nkem is drawing water, she is 32. They are all pregnant for me. My grandmother says I must take another wife next season. I have no choice.

My name is Bojo, and I am 14years old.

Next week I shall join the men again. We shall plan the farming season at our meeting. The foreign traders would be coming to buy our crops. We hope, our leader, Kakuda, makes a good bargain this time. He is the eldest of us. Surely a 19year old should have enough sense to fight for his people's hungry stomachs.

After we decide that, we shall all gather under the big tree and drink wine. We shall discuss the story of our land as we learned it from our grandmothers.

For the hundredth time we shall talk about our uncles, fathers and grandfathers lying in shallow graves underneath the pepper plantations.

How they turned toward one another and flooded the fields with blood. How they went to the polls and never came back. How their bitter violence left us with an inheritance of overflowing elder sisters, whom we must now marry. How they bequeathed us with their young wives and fiancees, widows and anxious women we must now impregnate, lest we all perish.

Yes, we shall talk about a rare species of greedy beasts, now extinct. We heard of how they spent all the wealth drawn out of oily wells to buy glue, with which they glued their old wrinkled buttocks to the fertile salubrious sofas at Aso Villa and the city of NAAS.

We hear the grandsons of these beasts live in New York and Geneva, while our uncles stare blank eyed at us from photographs named R.I.P.

We shall talk about the smell of gunpowder that has refused to leave the air and our noses. We heard we once had skyscrapers where this barren savannah cover today. We shall talk about our nation. About a people, who had everything but enjoyed nothing.

We shall talk about the war that made adolescent boys emergency fathers. A war that have made the ladies that changed our diapers to wriggle under us in bed, in a bid to squeeze out children from our barely formed testicles.

After this meeting, we shall all go home, to our many wives and our sorry lives. We shall eat and lie with them, so that the story of the war that begun after the elections in 2015 would never be forgotten.

Note: Brothers and sisters, will this be the story of our land? Let's do it peacefully in 2015.

God bless Nigeria. God bless you.


Photo from



Bomboy my son, while i slept last night, i dreamed and saw your name inscribed on the clouds, and a voice boomed out of the heavens and echoed what was written on the floating icy waters "President Bomboy"!

Now, that i know the peak of your destiny, here is my fatherly advice.

"When you are shoved by a million thumbs to sit upon the Throne on the Rock at Aso, you must not forget your heart at home.

Let your eyes be filled and flow with tears that sooth the injured and burn the bullies.

With your nose, you must be able to smell a statue of shit overlaid with gold.

Your mouth must speak and spit words that germinates from a sturdy heart. Words that cause the heart of the greedy to palpitate with seismic tremors and bypass the blood of hope to those that hope in you.

You must wear a neckband with piercing eyes to break the venom-filled fangs of the gnarling grins of congenital sycophants.
Let your neck be content with the sole occupation of carrying your burden ladened head, high above the reach of the obessed and overfed neck-straining nestling lobbyists.

President Bomboy my son, let your chest be a breast of stone to the hurled eggs of disgruntled gluttons who have their pants filled with poo from the overdose of the national cake.

Permit your stomach to digest the pains of your brethren and nourish your muscles with the benevolent milk of action.

Train your fingers to pull the trigger of justice and bore holes into the skulls of the bloodthirsty iniquitous hyenas that callously prowl the nook and crannies of your peaceful State.

Not every neigbouring sashaying pink fanny deserves the choice seed of your loins. Sow your oaths with discretion. Dont sleep with the enemy, neither should you let her bastard offsprings mingle with and corrupt your legitimate children.

Your knees must bow to your Maker in your closet not necessarily crawl all over the boxed screen in peoples' houses.

For your feet(shoe or shoeless) to walk the path of honour, it must learn to kick butts.
Dont step on toes, it is cowardly, STEP ON FACES instead. If any yeye toe barricades the fruitful journey of your republic, I say, CRUSH the face that owns the toes.

You are the General of all Generals, let them know this at all times. Dont expect peace and sleep all the time. When you see the sure incandescent glow of war, move in quickly to extinguish it with the fiery fires of assault.

Dear son, dying as a GCFR is a noble feat but peradventure your heart is overwhelmed with embarassing cluelessness, please wave the flag of honour and pass the golden baton.

This is my fatherly advice garnered from decades of living in my country. Apply it wisely, my great son "YOUR EXCELLENCY- President Bomboy.

Written by- KUNLE OMOPE.

Photo from