Monday, 22 December 2014



Do you know that you are the most perfect of God's creation?
If you trained hard enough, you can run at the speed of 40km/ph, and throw a ball at more than 160km/ph.
You were born with 305 bones but you now have 206 in your body, and they are operated by 650 muscles and over 100 joints.
You have 25trillion messengers that carry blood around your body and they are changed every 4months and 25billion soldiers to fight diseases, working for only 12hrs before their dismissal and another fresh recruitment.
During brisk exercise, your heart pumps 30pints of blood, which will travel 60,000 miles around your body in just 60seconds.
If the capillaries in your body are spread out to make a carpet, it would cover 8plots of land.
You have enough phosphorus in you body to make 2,200 matchsticks. You have about 5million hairs which are replaced every 3years.
If you are blindfolded, 9,000 tastebuds help you identify the taste of a tasty meal.
4million skin receptors faster than UPS Courier, carry messages from body to brain, vice versa.
In the course of your lifetime, you would breathe more than 500million times, eat 5 trailer loads of food and drink 11,000 gallons of water. If you live in the city, you will walk a distance of Lagos to New York and if you live in the village, a distance of Lagos to London twice, to and fro.
You have the ability to understand and speak 7 languages under the right conditions. You can also memorise the Bible, if you are desperate enough.
You can see the past, memory. You can see the future, imagination. You can peep into heaven in your dream. You can have a conversation with the Creator of the universe.
If you fall on your kness in reverence and supplication, you can move mountains. You can speak a language you never learned when you are on the same page with the Spirit of God.
As small as you look, God can live inside you. Without the sexual involvement of your parents, you can be born again.
Without a dime in your bank account, you can own a mansion in God's estate called Heaven.
You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body.
It is possible for your spirit to live right inside the heart of God, while your body lives in Nigeria.
And finally, you are so important that God became a man to die for you and make you His child and friend.
This is just the little I know about you!
God bless you for reading this to the end. Amen.


Photo from

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