Wednesday 25 September 2024


Indeed "Tech" and everything that it encompasses has taken the world by storm.

A random scroll through your Linkedin feed, and you'd be harassed by a barrage of Tech this, and Tech That.
Tech companies are springing up by the millisecond.
Everyone including yours truly is going after one Tech certification or another.
Global education institutions are skewing every academic discipline to have a huge dose of Tech flavour...and they are offering these courses to everyone and everybody.
Learning platforms 'free and paid' are not left out in the frenzy
Internet service suppliers are making sh*tloads of cash from selling data, as that is what is needed to effectively navigate the world of 'Tech'.

All the above are good. They are needed to put us as a people on the advantageous mounds of the global terrain.

But, while we are all striving and speaking in the same direction, the Nigerian economy is giving us the bombastic side-eye.

For 'Tech' to remain lucrative and much sourced, it must as a matter of necessity piggy back on a productive economy-one that takes domestic manufacturing of tangible commodities seriously.

Now, let's take a cursory look at our economy; the strength of our Naira; the purchasing power of the average Nigeria amongst other positive indices, it is clear that Tech will not have any base to anchor its growth.

Tech is like icing on the cake. The cake here being a productive economy. However, what is happening to the "cake"? What will the icing of Tech add beauty and taste to?

A Yoruba proverb says"Owo ti o ba si, jedijedi kan o le gba'a". Literally, this means that dysentery cannot consume unavailable money.
What this means in the context of this writeup is that where tangible commodities(including services) are not been produced, what 'Teching' would 'Tech' do?

The 'Fin' in Fintech will determine whether Fintech will swim or drown.
The 'Agric' in Agrictech will be the fertile soil from which the flowers of Agrictech would bloom.
The 'Edu' in Edutech' is what will make 'Edutech' make sense.

Tech in itself is good, but without a productive economy...this sweet, colourful icing may not reach its full potentials.

Let's fix the cake, and this icing will take care of itself.

I troway salute!

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