Tuesday, 27 January 2015


************ A LETTER TO TWO ***********

Dear Sirs,
Congratulations so far. A wise man once said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Following these words, I have tried to peer into your souls as your eyes stare at me...at us, from posters hanging everywhere.

I looked long and hard, yet came up with zilch as regards the goings-on in your minds. I am sure your followers must share my testimonial ignorance even if they choose to hide their heads in a pile of saw dust, for we are only but puny humans with only two spiritually myopic eyes.

And so it baffles me, when some of these aggressive followers of yours have agreed to kill their neighbours for your sakes.

How am I sure of their murderous potentials? Simple! Have you read their comments on social media? Don't they just reek of blood curdling anger ? Have you seen them argue and insult one another at the news stands, with eyes flaming and veins bulging from their hungry necks?

Dear Sirs, do you really love these followers of yours? Will their deaths add more feathers to the caps they have worn you because of the words you have said, and the promises you have made? Do they know you so well to die for you?

Sirs, are you not but humans capable of breaking your promises and deceiving us all. Can't we be hoodwinked by you?

Another wise man said, "see one lion, you have seen all lions, see one goat and you have seen all goats...but see one man and you haven't seen any man, as a matter of fact, you have just seen one of his many sides".

How much of you does A know to kill B his coursemate and buddy way back in school because one sweeps with a broom and one carries an umbrella?

Because of you, your followers have decided to 'change' to murderers and 'transform' to killers in the dark craze for changing transformations and transformation changes.

One of you is going to be President, but whom will you preside over when all are dead?! Will you be a President over young graves?

It will really be nice, if you and your family members would lead in front as we go into this avoidable and senseless battle.
Have we not died enough in this land? Must we continue to die for men whom we can't see their hearts?

Sirs, how many orphans and widows will 2015 manufacture? You alone know your real intentions, your driving force...but are they worth our blood as broth for flies? Must we be meals to vultures to put smiles on your faces?

I have more questions but can't find the answers in your smiling mouths and eyes that hold many secrets.

I will not kill whom I can eat eba and okro soup with because of you whom I may never be able to eat a crumb from your table, eventhough I do not know whether he has poisoned my cup of water because we are on different sides of the fence you built to divide us on the same dining table of hopelessness

Fearfully yours,
Kunle Omope.


  1. By God, this is the perfect epistle to these presidential hopefuls.I am amazed by this show of high sense of logicality contained in this piece. Keep the ink flowing, sir.

  2. I never comment on write ups; but this is a worthy must read to all the electorates and Political Party dancers!

    1. Thank you Obasi Chidiebere and Slamar Donkan . The only friends we have are you and I, not them.
