Wednesday, 7 January 2015


Happy fathers day. Here is a poetic freestyle. Enjoy:

********* AKURUBEBE *********
Seed of my loins,
fruit of my youthful strength.
My child, my buddy,
sharing my laughter,
my wisdom, pain and joy.
Let my thick lips,
kiss your cherubic ears.
Suckling your heart,
with wise counsel.
To stand firm in this fiery earth,
discernment must be your friend,
to lead you between the seductions,
of good and evil,
pride and poise,
helping you adorn the robes,
of attitude and disposition.
Blazing the true African,
shimmering through your ebony skin.

Lovers would be enamoured of you,
like bees over a flower.
Their charm may assault your tender heart.
It is the way of this life.
Innocent smiles, seductive eyes,
tempting chats.
Even when you close your eyes,
the window of your soul,
heartbreaks still lurks!
To find that soulmate,
eyes, ears and mind must be ajar,
so, love's angel fly not past.

Be friendly,
but not with friends many.
To that fellow, pay no mind,
for, to you, he chatters like a canary,
then dawn harvests, like a parrot,
about you he chatters.
A secret retains its name,
when cuddled within the walls,
of a single mind.
Laugh when it's funny,
Cry without shame,
it loosens your heart from hurt.
If you have to lift your fists,
do it well, punch home your point!
And never quit, because,
quit and win do not live in same house.

Not everyone deserves,
your stew of respect,
nevertheless invite them to dine.
When trudging up
the mountain of success,
some serpents at the top,
sits at the bottom.
The you, you see,
is the you, you should be,
for there shall be no other you.
Seize knowledge by the collar,
grab her in her fleeting flight.
If it makes the Lord glad,
then do it!

It is a journey in futility,
to make all men pleased.
Even the Messiah was not loved,
by all and sundry.
Of a truth, they would gossip,
and spread rumours like a mat.
Be grateful to be their living subject.
Campaign for and be allies with Truth,
though it comes as bitter bile,
but therein lies men's freedom.
When you sleep away from home,
on that strange bed, keep one eye open,
best friends make worst foes!

Eat with pleasure,
drink with gladness,
have a pleasant tumble with life.
There is just one Akurubebe.
One Akurubebe!
One Universe!
Music pampers the soul,
slake a heathy dose of its rich brew.
Thoughts of sorrow beclouds the mind,
while picturing joy give strenght to your smile.
For this one blessed chance,
live life to the fullest!

Your burden is heavy to bear alone,
so, I offer you back to my Helper,
from whom, you came as a gift to me.
Into His Hands,
I deliver your spirit, soul and body.
He is The Invincible One.
Now, by no cause, curse,
omission or commission,
shall harm waylay you,
because of whom you are,
Akurubebe my child!

* Akurubebe- an affectionate name for a little child in the Yoruba language.

Written by KUNLE OMOPE.

photo from

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